The Wind Waker

The Wind Waker

Wind Waker is the Zelda game designed for gamecube. It’s since been ported and remastered. It notably has a cell-shaded cartoony art style that has made it age quite well graphically.

Look, I don’t like spending large amount of time in games just traveling to the fun parts. In this game, you have to spend like 10-20 minutes sailing to get anywhere. Absurdly boring. There have only been two games in my life that I’ve doom-scrolled twitter while playing: Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild.

Coupled with some absurdly easy dungeon difficulty made me genuinely question what I was doing. Like there just wasn’t a good payoff to all that time at sea. So I stopped playing.

I may try it again at some point. I gave Breath of the Wild a fair shot, 20+ hours. On the other hand, I totally regret that time that I could have spent playing a game I actually enjoy.

Don’t bother with Wind Waker. Waste of time.

The Minish Cap

The Minish Cap

Oracle of Ages/Seasons

Oracle of Ages/Seasons