Nobody Saves The World

Nobody Saves The World

5/5 Top Notch Title

Nobody Saves The World is an action-adventure RPG from the same guys who created Guacamelee. It has a lot of the same humor and fun art-style, although fantasy themed rather than uhh… Mexico.

The gameplay revolves around turning into various forms like Mermaid, Slug, and Bodybuilder. They have an assortment of moves which can then be mixed and matched freely to create great combinations. Further, each form has little Form Quests which grant experience. As experience can only granted by quests rather than defeating enemies, this gives the player lots of incentive to experiment and level up every form.

This is highly combat-centric game, and has a lot of mechanisms that forces the player to constant keep on their toes. Many enemies have shields that can only be broken by certain elements, many dungeons have various gimmicks like not being able to change your form, and new enemies/environments being thrown at you make sure you don't get too comfortable with your setup. There are quests that don't involve combat, and these mostly test your ingenuity in using your forms' abilities.

The aesthetics are this bright, bulbous, cartoony style. In many ways, it's an aesthetic departure from the Samurai-Jack-like Guacamelee. But it certainly finds a way to have it's own kind of charm, especially with the various fun forms.

The game is fast, flavorful, and has a lot of variety. Definitely a top choice with some weird, unique flavor. I rarely play long games these days, but this one really hooked me.

Go check it out!

Ringfit Adventure

Ringfit Adventure

Master Quest

Master Quest